So, so it’s finally out, my last fashion film collaboration with the hair stylist Annie Ankervik, the music producer Rikslyd and the vintage clothing shop Busfrö in Västervik https://www.busfro.se. Thanks […]
So, so it’s finally out, my last fashion film collaboration with the hair stylist Annie Ankervik, the music producer Rikslyd and the vintage clothing shop Busfrö in Västervik https://www.busfro.se. Thanks […]
Den 9 februari 2024 landade den svenska astronauten Marcus och besättningen ombord på rymdkapseln på jorden. Ca en vecka senare, den 18:e februari, mötte vi honom i ett konferensrum på […]
One of the islands in Malaysia, called Perhentian Besar. The photo is taken from our bungalow and I won’t lie. I miss waking up to this view.
This film is from a collaboration that I did with the jewelry brand Syster P
https://vimeo.com/486532791?share=copy A music video for the music producer, singer, and songwriter Felish who creates a mash-up of pop, RnB & 80’s electronica. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, I […]